Our Parish Youth Group is a community of adults and young people dedicated to creating a supportive environment for our youth to grow in their faith and share the love of Christ to all. Our youth are deeply involved with all members of the congregation not only to serve but to learn from the great knowledge present in the body of Christ.
Youth in Service
Our youth attend the weekly Eucharist service with the whole Parish family. Through the liturgy, lessons, and Eucharist they grow further up and further in to their faith letting it become their own.
Our youth are also active participates in the service areas each Sunday. They serve in many areas as ushers, lectors, acolytes, choir members, technology team, and as chalice bearers when they reach eighteen.
They are allowed to serve in areas that feel would be best for them. It is always a blessing each Sunday to see our youth serve alongside Parish members of all ages. Through this service they are building relationships with other Christians that deepen and grow their own faith.
Eucharist is offered to all baptized Christians and students can take it by intinction or in kind. It is a great joy to hear on Sundays the priest and chalice bearer giving Eucharist by name to each student. One of the great blessings of our Parish is the connection in our members of all ages. Our Youth are served by the older members in the sharing of knowledge and concern for their lives. They serve these members by also connecting with their lives and assisting in those tasks that need a young back.
Youth Christian Education
Throughout the year our students attend Christian Education. These classes are designed to encourage students in the development of their faith and knowledge of the Anglican Tradition.
They studies have focused on bible study, apologetics, theology, and various book studies.
In their teen years students will also attend Anglican Catechism classes building their knowledge of scriptures, creeds, and the Christian faith. Once complete these students participate in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Youth Activities
Our youth meet on the first Saturday of each month. They meet to fellowship or do outreach projects in our Parish and Community. There are also Saturdays in which students will do a shorten bible or prayer study. Students are excited and encouraged to invite their peers to these events.
To support our Parish, they assist at each Parish Care Day in the Fall and Spring. They work to assist the different ministries in the church throughout the year. One of the greatest joys though is when they visit our homebound Parish members. Each Christmas our youth deliver goodies and sing Christmas Carols to those unable to attend services. At Easter they deliver beautiful flowers and treats to bring the joy of Holy Week. This is a special time for all the knits our Parish family together.
Our youth group is also active in support the local community. They serve alongside Parish members to prepare and serve a meal at the John 3:16 mission. The have worked with our Parish Veterans to help stuff boxes at the local Blue Star Mothers chapter. In the future we look to serve with other charities that support our local community.
In the Summers students will attend a camp with other Anglican churches in our region. This is a wonderful time in which students grow closer to God, to each other, and build great friendships in the larger body of Christ.
Students also participate in various activities with the wider Parish family.
Chili-Cook off- This tasty event is run by the Youth as they raise funds for Summer Camp with our Parish support.
Parish Movie Night- Students come in PJs to enjoy a movie with tasty treats.
Stations of the Cross- During Lent the Youth of our church help to lead a Stations of the Cross.
Homebound Easter Care Packages- Students bring a basket or flowers and goodies to those unable to attend church.
Palm Sunday Celebration- Students help with the egg hunt for the children and participate in some fun outdoor games.
Baby Shower for Life- Students help to share in a collection for Hope Pregnancy center and participate in a program that shares the amazing creation God made in us.
Pentecost Picnic- Students join our Parish family in an amazing Picnic with games and snow cones.
Summer Camp- Students attend a regional camp with other Anglican Youth.
Family Fun Day- Youth and Children gather for a fun day at our Parish grounds with games and food.
Parish Bonfire- Our whole Parish gathers for a great night of food, fun, and Compline.
Christmas Caroling- Students and families gather to sing to our homebound and then met up for a Christmas party.