Our Congregation celebrates Eucharist each Sunday. Throughout the year we also hold special services on High Holy Days and other special days throughout the year.
These services are a special time to connect as a Parish and with others in our community.
High Holy Day Eucharist Services:
Epiphany – January 6th
Easter Sunday- Forty days after Ash Wednesday
Ascension Day- 39 Days after Easter
Pentecost- 50 days after Easter Sunday
All Saints Day- Sunday after November 1st

Additional Eucharist Services:
Ash Wednesday- Celebrated 40 days before Easter Sunday 6:30 pm
Palm Sunday- Sunday before Easter 10:30 am
Maundy Thursday- Thursday of Holy Week 6:30 pm
Easter Vigil- Evening before Easter 8:00 pm
Trinity Sunday- Sunday after Pentecost 9:00 am
Holy Cross Day- September 14th- 11:00 am
Thanksgiving Eucharist- Tuesday before Thanksgiving- 6:30 pm
Christmas Eve- December 24th 6:30 pm

Non-Eucharist Special Services:
Stations of the Cross- Each Friday evening in Lent 6:30 pm
Good Friday- Friday of Holy Week 12:00 pm
Lessons and Carols- Last Sunday of Advent 10:30 am