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Adults | Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulsa, OK
Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulsa, OK - Bible Study


Reading the Bible

The main way God speaks to us is through his Word, so we read and study it. As a church, we are committed to prayerfully and regularly reading the Bible.  Many people find it helpful to read the Daily Lessons from the Lectionary, a pre-set calendar of scripture selections in a 3-year cycle.


If you would like to follow the readings of the church calendar, please click the following link for the weekly Sunday-Holy-Day-Lectionary (pdf).

Weekly Readings

During the Sunday service, we read Old Testament, Psalm, Epistle and Gospel passages from the Bible. These lessons are from the Lectionary.

Weekly Bible Study

The lessons read on Sunday are then discussed at a live Zoom group Bible Study meeting every week, for one hour, beginning Thursday at 11:00 AM (Central Time).


We study and discuss the Psalm, Epistle and Gospel readings.  The lesson study notes are sent to you by e-mail on Monday evening of each week, so you have time to review, add your own insights and questions, and be prepared to join the Zoom meeting on Thursday.

If you wish to receive the study notes and/or the link to the Zoom meeting, please contact the Church Office to request the e-mail contact for the Bible Study. Of course, your email privacy will be respected.

Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulsa, OK - Adult Education


Our adults have Christian Education each Sunday before the service. 

This class is made up of all ages of adults.  One of the great treasures of our parish family is the fellowship and wisdom found in all ages growing in faith together.

Classes are taught by our clergy and other church leadership. Classes are designed to help adults continue in their Christian journey through lecture, discussion, and connection. Studies have included Christian Traditions, Christian History, Liturgical Exploration, Bible Study, and Anglican Catechism. 


The mission of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is to disciple men and boys unto a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through the lifelong disciplines of daily prayer, regular study, and committed service. We pray for the spread of Christ’s kingdom, especially among men and youth, and for God’s blessings upon the labors of the Brotherhood. We study the Holy Scriptures regularly, and the teachings of the Church, to attain a better understanding of how to follow Christ and bring others into His kingdom. We make continuous efforts, week by week, to bring others nearer to Christ through His Church.

Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit - Brotherhood of Saint Andrews link


We are an order of Anglican women committed to making disciples and serving Jesus Christ through our Rule of Life, prayer, service, study and evangelism. We offer prayer for our clergy, staff and the entire congregation in our daily devotions. Congregants may request specific prayers. We practice a strict policy of confidentiality. During our meetings we pray, we study, and we discuss how we can serve our congregation and community. We study the Word of God to grow in our faith. Serving others and sharing the Gospel is how we live our Rule of Life. Members wear the DHC cross to signify our devotion.

Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulsa, OK - Daughters of the Holy Cross
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