But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.
1 Corinthians 12:18
Newcomers to Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit are always warmly welcome!
You may wish to be a Visitor for a season, but when you decide you have found a Church Home, we encourage you to take the next step.
Those who are not yet baptized Christians are encouraged to enter into fellowship with Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit by giving a profession of their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior and by attending a course of instruction in the Christian faith leading to Baptism and Confirmation.
Those who are already baptized and practicing Christians, may become members of our fellowship by attending our new members class in which they learn the basics of the Anglican way of Christianity, our beliefs, and customs and polity.
For those Christians who have not yet been confirmed by a bishop, this new member class leads to the sacramental rite of Confirmation when our bishop visits the parish.
Those who are already confirmed members in good standing of another Anglican church may become members by transferring their membership to Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit. They too should plan on participating in the New Members class.
We welcome all those who may have fallen away from the Christian faith and who are seeking to return.