“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” ― Corrie Ten Boom
Prayer is integral to everything we do at the Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we turn our hearts toward God, to speak with him, and to listen.
Why should we pray?
We should pray because God calls us to do so, because we are made for fellowship with him, because we need the help of his Holy Spirit, and because he has promised to answer the prayers of his people.
In prayer, we should seek not only God’s provision for our needs, but relationship with God, who made us for himself.
What should we pray?
We should pray the Lord’s Prayer, the Psalms, the collected prayers of the Church, and our own prayers as the Spirit leads us.
We pray for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for the needs of others. We pray to thank God for his blessings and praise him for who he is.
The Book of Common Prayer is a rich resource, not only in corporate worship services, but to help with our personal prayer life.
When should we pray?
We should pray at regular times throughout each day, whenever we are aware of a need for God’s grace.
Our life of prayer is fed by the regular reading of Scripture, practice of personal prayer, and corporate worship of God. Weekly Communion, the Daily Office, and private devotions help to shape this way of life.
As we learn to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) we grow in the knowledge of God’s presence.
How do we request prayer from the Church?
At the Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit, there are many opportunities for prayer requests, for ourselves and others. All requests are held in strict confidence.
Lay Prayer Ministers are available at the side of the church during Sunday Eucharist to pray with you for healing, thanksgiving, intercession or blessing.
Prayer cards are available in each pew. You may fill one out and put it in the offering plate. Your prayer request will be honored by our prayer ministers.
Votive candles and a prayer stand at the side of the church may be a way you would like to offer a prayer or blessing privately.
The Daughters of the Holy Cross and the Brotherhood of St. Andrew receive requests for prayer. You may contact any member of each Order to have the name of the person in need of prayer added to their ongoing prayer list. Please keep in touch to update the request, or give a “praise report” for answered prayer!
You may contact the Church Office by text or email to request prayer or to let us know of a need or illness.