To know Christ and to make him known.
To recognize that we are broken and in need of the Savior, to accept the gift of Jesus, to seek healing and sanctification, and to share and demonstrate his love for the world to see.
We value… intentional and reverent worship grounded in the historical and liturgical Anglican tradition, in Holy Scripture, and in sound theology (in word and song) with special significance on the sacred Eucharist.
We value… a community of faith that welcomes everyone in the spirit of God’s unconditional love, nurtures a sense of belonging, and supports healthy relationships and families, seeking and encouraging healing, forgiveness, and wholeness.
We value… discipleship through personal relationships, mentoring, and small groups, fostering spiritual growth which leads to maturity and leadership, grounded in a life with Christ.
We value… opportunities for education in Holy Scripture, theology, Catechesis, and Christ-centered topics to learn and grow individually and in relationships with one another in a variety of settings, sharing our lives together.
We value… the offering of our ourselves through “time, talent, and treasure” – sacrificially giving, helping one another, serving the community in Tulsa beyond the church, and sharing Jesus “not only with our lips, but in our lives.”
We value… the act of sincere, reverent, and faithful prayer in which we offer intercessions and thanksgiving to God through spoken words and silent contemplation.