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Altar at ACHS

Our Parish Story...

Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit traces its roots back to the late 1970s and the Renewal Movement in the Episcopal Church and the broader Anglican Communion. In 2005, our leadership council, the vestry, decided to remain Anglican through alignment with a Global South Anglican Diocese. Subsequently, we worked closely with Bishop Jack Iker and the Diocese of Fort Worth before finding our home as a parish under the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA), a founding convocation of the Anglican Church in North America. Our congregation is now aprt of the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word.  We work closely with other churches in our diocese to support the Lord's work all over the world. While here in Tulsa we work with local groups to show the love of Christ. The great joy of our Parish is the close connection we have with all our members as we grow together further up and further into God's grace and righteousness.

That to which Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit is called:

Worship God in Spirit and Truth

We gather in the presence of the Holy Spirit, pursuing intimacy with God, receiving grace, and offering praise through Jesus Christ. We believe that worship is not primarily about us. Good worship is never measured by how good we “feel” when we leave the service on Sunday. It is measured by how open we have been to God in our prayers, praise, and confession of our shortcomings and sins. Meaningful worship encourages true discipleship throughout the entire week. Our feelings or emotional highs are transient and secondary in importance to what we seek after in obedience to Jesus’ teaching of the Great Commandment: “Love God with heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

Live Out God’s Word in Our Whole Lives

We seek to study, digest, and then apply scriptural truth in our church life, our family life, through our vocations, and by serving God at all times and in every place.

Serve God’s People in Caring Community

We desire to grow into a community of grace, where we serve one another in love in supportive and accountable relationships. Accountability to others in our community is a vital part of what makes Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit a safe place for children and their families.

Reach God’s World with the Love of Christ

We want to share the Good News of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to bring the lost to new life in Jesus Christ, and to show compassion to the genuinely poor and needy.

Renew God’s Church in Word and Spirit

We seek to raise up and equip leaders from every generation for the Church; to plant churches; to offer ourselves, our experience, and our facilities as resources to the wider church.

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